What is a Squeeze Page?

by Fahad Muhammad

What is a Squeeze Page?

A squeeze page (also known as a capture page) is a type of landing page designed to capture email addresses from potential subscribers in exchange for something valuable, like discounts, free ebooks, whitepapers, or reports.

This blog post will walk you through the squeeze page basics, covering all the elements to help you create a squeeze page that converts.

Why do you need squeeze pages?

Squeeze pages are an essential part of a marketing campaign because they are great for lead capture. The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to get visitors to opt into your email list so you can reach out to them with future offers.

High converting squeeze pages also help you push them further down your sales funnel and build a lasting relationship with them. So, what can you offer your visitors on your squeeze page?

  • Ebook
  • Whitepaper
  • Newsletter
  • Video or webinar
  • Free report
  • Podcast
  • Slide deck

All of the digital assets above are so-called lead magnets. They are offered in exchange for a visitor’s email address or other information that can later be used in email marketing campaigns.

But before you start creating your squeeze page and deciding what kind of downloadable content to offer visitors, you must determine what your visitors value the most. For instance, if your potential customers are beginners, they may find more value in an in-depth email course, a training program, or free ebooks rather than just a single infographic.

How to promote your squeeze pages?

You can employ several strategies to drive traffic to your squeeze page and maximize its effectiveness. Use the power of search engine optimization (SEO) to optimize squeeze pages with relevant keywords and meta tags—this will help your page rank higher in search engine results and attract organic traffic.

Another way to get traffic to your squeeze is through social media platforms. Share your squeeze page across various social media channels and engage with your audience by creating compelling posts encouraging them to visit your page. Collaborate with influencers or run targeted advertising campaigns to expand your reach and attract potential leads.

Squeeze pages vs. landing pages: what’s the difference?

Squeeze Page Landing Page
Form Length Typically shorter Can vary in length
Page Length Generally shorter Can be longer
Feature-Focused Primarily focuses on lead capture Can have a broader range of features and goals
Traffic Sources Primarily driven by targeted marketing campaigns, email lists, social media Can come from various sources such as organic search, paid ads, social media, referrals, etc.
Purpose Capture leads and build an email list Serve multiple purposes like promoting products/services, collecting information, providing information, etc.
Call-to-Action Often emphasizes the opt-in form Can have different calls-to-action depending on the goal

What elements make a good squeeze page?

A good squeeze page consists of several key elements that work together to capture the visitor’s attention and encourages them to take action. Here’s a breakdown of the essential elements that make an effective squeeze page:

Engaging and relevant headline

The first thing visitors notice when they land on your squeeze page is the headline. Create a headline that clearly communicates the unique value proposition of your offer, with no hidden messages or false promises. Make it relevant to the visitor’s needs or pain points and ensure a message match between the ad and page headlines.

This image shows a screenshot of Copyblogger squeeze page headline emphasizing the importance of a compelling headline to attract visitors.

Concise copy that clearly explains the value of the offer

Your squeeze page copy should clearly articulate how your offer will benefit visitors and solve their problems. Keep the text easy to scan and understand, and avoid unnecessary jargon. For best results, format your copy in a way that is easy to digest for visitors, even if they’re skimming the page:

  • Use bullet points, lists, and other ways to convey the main idea of your offer
  • Use subheaders and short paragraphs for better readability
  • Stay concise with your brand identity, but avoid hard-to-read fonts or colors

Image of the offer

A visually appealing image showcasing the offer being promoted, encouraging engagement and interest.

Include a visually appealing image that showcases the offer you’re promoting. This could be a graphic, product photo, or a snapshot of the offered content.

Frictionless opt-in forms

Make sure the form for collecting visitor information is simple and streamlined.Minimal form fields will allow for reducing friction and increasing conversion rates. Only ask for essential information like name and email address.

Relevant and contrasting CTA button

Use a clear and attention-grabbing call-to-action (CTA) button that stands out from the rest of the page design. Personalize the copy so it is relevant to the offer, and use contrasting colors to make it visually prominent.

Pop up pages and splash pages: Two popular types of a squeeze page

Splash page and pop up squeeze page are the two popular types of a squeeze page:

Pop up squeeze page

Pop up squeeze pages use pop ups that suddenly appear over the content of a webpage, asking website visitors for their email address or promoting an offer. It’s best to avoid using pop up squeeze pages because they can disrupt browsing experience, annoy visitors, and make it harder to navigate your website.

Research by Jakob Nielsen found 95% of users dislike pop ups, and over 50% had a negative opinion of advertisers using them. Instead of using a pop up squeeze page, consider less intrusive options, such as scroll, slide-in, exit-intent, or end-of-article squeeze pages to strike a better balance.

This image shows a pop-up squeeze page with a message asking for email addresses, highlighting the drawbacks of such pages.

Splash page

Splash pages are a more preferable alternative to create a squeeze page. A splash page serves as a custom landing page for users upon when they visit your website for the first time. By integrating your splash page with a squeeze page, you can showcase your offer immediately. However, there’s a risk that some visitors may exit the squeeze page without exploring further, missing your actual homepage.

To mitigate this risk, include a prominent “Decline” button that allows users to navigate directly to your homepage. Unlike traditional squeeze pages, the objective of a splash page is to encourage visitors to go to your main website while presenting them with an enticing offer. It’s important to ensure that the squeeze page design, messaging, and overall feel is consistent with your homepage.

Additionally, implementing a cookie will ensure that returning visitors bypass the splash page and go directly to your homepage. The example below illustrates this concept effectively, featuring a clear “Decline Offer” button for seamless navigation:

This image shows a splash page with a prominent Decline Offer button, highlighting its role in encouraging users to navigate to the main website while presenting an enticing offer.

Squeeze page examples

We’ve curated some squeeze page examples to inspire your next page.

Neil Patel

This image shows a squeeze page example from Neil Patel, featuring a clear value proposition in the headline and a simple, on-brand layout.

  • Neil Patel is a well-known digital marketer. His website offers a clear value proposition in the headline: submit your website URL via the form to learn what you can do to make your business successful.
  • The page layout is simple, on-brand, and isn’t overwhelming.
  • Further, as you inspect the page, you can learn more about the tactics and techniques offered to improve your digital marketing strategy and maximize ad spend efficiency.
  • The website provides business owners and marketers valuable resources, such as SEO tools, a marketing podcast, and a blog.


This image shows a squeeze page example from tickernerd, featuring a catchy headline about Nvidia stock and enticing visitors to sign up for stock price updates.

  • tickernerd is a great squeeze page example that has a catchy headline revolving around the Nvidia stock with a record price increase—tempting visitors to sign up to stay ahead of stock prices.
  • The offer on the page is clear: get information on stocks with high growth potential straight into your inbox.


This image shows a squeeze page example from SEMrush, featuring a clear value proposition and testimonials, attracting SEO gurus and content marketers for competitive research and keyword analysis.

  • SEMrush is used by SEO gurus and content marketers to conduct competitive research, track SERP positions, get keyword ideas, and many more. The platform offers a clear value proposition in the headline: you can submit a domain, URL, or keyword to get valuable insights for your marketing strategy.
  • This squeeze page example may have a simple design, yet the color scheme catches the eye. As you scroll down, you’ll see testimonials and accolades proving why marketers and SEO professionals worldwide appreciate this tool.

Squeeze page best practices

Focus on the benefits

Communicate how your product or service can solve a problem or fulfill a crucial need for your target demographic. Whether addressing pain points, streamlining processes, or enhancing their overall experience—emphasize the positive outcomes your offer can deliver.

By presenting the benefits upfront, you capture your audience’s attention and create a compelling reason for them to take the desired action. Understanding how your offer adds value will motivate your audience to engage and convert.

Keep it brief

Keep the content on your squeeze page concise and to the point. Craft your message with clear, compelling language that grabs attention and quickly conveys essential information. Avoid unnecessary details that might distract or overwhelm your audience.

A concise and focused approach ensures that visitors can swiftly grasp the value of your offer without losing interest. By presenting a streamlined message, you increase the likelihood of retaining your audience’s attention, guiding them toward the desired conversion action.

Target the right audience

Tailor your squeeze page to precisely match the expectations and preferences of your specific target audience. Use language, visuals, and messaging that resonate with them, addressing their unique pain points or desires.

Speak directly to their needs and aspirations, demonstrating an understanding of what matters most to them. By creating a page that feels personalized and relevant, you establish a connection with your audience, making them more likely to engage with your offer.

How to keep leads engaged after you get their email address?

Send them to a value-focused thank-you page

Once you’ve successfully captured the email addresses of your leads, it’s essential to take advantage of the momentum by directing them to a meticulously crafted thank you page. This page is an opportunity to provide your audience with added value. Consider offering exclusive content that aligns with their interests, presenting a limited-time offer that sparks a sense of urgency, or sharing additional resources that complement the information they sought.

This image shows the importance of making the thank-you page an extension of your value proposition to encourage further engagement and boost conversion actions.

The key here is to make the thank-you page an extension of your value proposition, enticing your leads to delve deeper into what your brand offers. By doing so, you express gratitude and strategically encourage further engagement, significantly boosting the likelihood of conversion actions.

Nurture them with engaging emails

After your leads have entrusted you with their contact information, nurturing the leads and creating connections with them is crucial. This is where engaging emails come into play. Your emails aim to make your audience feel valued and excited about being part of your community. Beyond the welcome email, establish a consistent communication cadence to nurture the relationship over time.

Segment for personalization

Split your leads into distinct groups based on their preferences, interests, or position in the buyer’s journey. This segmentation enables you to customize your messaging and offers for each group, ensuring that your communication is highly relevant to their needs.

The beauty of segmentation lies in its ability to create a personalized experience for each segment, making your outreach more impactful.

When your audience receives messages that resonate with their interests, they are more likely to stay engaged and convert. In essence, segmentation becomes a powerful tool for maximizing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts by tailoring your approach to the unique characteristics of each lead segment.

Drip email campaign

A well-designed drip email campaign is a cornerstone of effective communication and relationship-building. Through strategic planning and execution, this campaign allows you to consistently deliver pertinent and valuable content to your leads over an extended period.

By spacing out your emails at intervals and offering insights, tips, or updates relevant to your audience, you stay top of mind and position yourself as a reliable and trusted resource. The power of a drip campaign lies in its ability to nurture leads through a gradual, informative journey, aligning with their pace and preferences.

This ongoing engagement is pivotal in keeping the relationship alive, gradually building a sense of loyalty. As your leads receive a steady stream of valuable information, they are more likely to view your brand as an industry authority, strengthening their connection and increasing the likelihood of conversion when the time is right.

Final thoughts

Squeeze pages provide an additional opportunity to initiate and establish a relationship with your customers. To be successful with your squeeze pages, include the right elements on the page, A/B test the page frequently, and adjust the page’s elements as you see fit to score more conversions over time.

Get AI capabilities into the mix and create your squeeze page with Instapage.

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